
Thursday, December 17, 2015

10 signs that say you are staying in a Luxury Safari Lodge

 The Definition of a Luxury Safari Camp:
  1. Hot water bottles! The very best touch was when hot water bottles were not just placed in bed at night but also provided in the game vehicle for those early morning game drives.
  2. A qualified safari guide. This almost goes without saying but most Kenyan guides will know so much, not just about the animals but birds too. There are now very good 'guiding' schools in Kenya where students can train for gold, silver and bronze level awards.
  3. An ad-hoc bush dinner or breakfast. If a lodge is able to lay on at least one outdoor meal during your stay, this will make you stay even more memorable. Even better when you don't have to book or prearrange this experience, it is just laid on as a surprise.

4.Fantastic food and house drinks are included. Most safari experiences leave you groaning from extreme indulgence.

5. Safari walks. Which leads from the point above. A gentle walk with a guide may not bring you into close encounters with wild animals, but will enable you to track spore and learn a lot about local plants. An enriching experience away from the big 5.

6. Riding safaris. You have to pick the lodge carefully as not many offer riding safaris, but riding out with the animals is pretty special.

7. In-car drinks and snacks. One of the highlights of an evening game drive is to park up for 'sundowners', normally at a pre-assigned spot either on open or high ground. A cool box magically appears with some delicious crisps or popcorn or homemade snacks plus a choice of drinks. If you happen to be viewing a pride of lion at the moment that the sun goes down, then drinks can be consumed in the car!

8. The Masai or Samburu welcome. No safari is the same without the ululating welcome of a troop of Masai or Samburu. Cultural talks or tours to local Masai villages are also often laid on for guests. How to spot the difference between a Masai and a Samburu tribesman? Samburu wear beads and feathers on their heads whereas Masai do not.

9. Hot showers and Flushing loos ensuite, kind of go without saying. A bath is an added luxury.

10. A spacious tent. The epitome of luxury is space and a room with a wide viewing deck or veranda is a must for whiling away those lazy afternoons.

1 comment:

  1. I've never been on a safari but your list sounds fantastic! Who wouldn't love a luxury safari like you've described :)
