
Monday, January 23, 2012

Breaking news - ICC cases confirmed against 4 suspects

Glued to the TV - don't dare get up for a wee.  You could probably hear a pin drop in Kenya at this moment.

The Hague/court say they are mindful of their decision affecting stability in Kenya and the weight of their onerous decision.  I know that the ICC has their work cut out - not only with having to wade through huge amounts of evidence, but in the local newspapers there have been numerous stories of ICC witnesses (some under witness protection, others in Kenya) either disappearing, turning up dead or suddenly recanting their statements.

So far we know that charges will be confirmed against four of the 6 that is the court deems there is enough evidence to make these cases admissable.  That they are innocent until proven guilty, of being indirect core perpetrators of Kenya's post election violence.

So far:  William Ruto, Joshua Sang - charges confirmed against them - the case will go to trial.
Henry Kosgey - charges not confirmed - case dismissed.

Uhuru Kenyatta, Francis Muthaura - Charges confirmed.
Hussein Ali, (former chief of police) charges not confirmed.


Kenya's political scene suddenly in free fall!


William Ruto is on the local news at the moment, looking deflated for the first time ever, making a lengthy statement about his faith in justice, appreciation of the support of his wife and belief in God..
The telegraph - click for coverage
BBC news - click for coverage

Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto - presidential aspirants but a case of crimes against humanity to hear at The Hague first
BTW - It's 85 degrees and sunny every day in Nairobi at the moment ...


  1. Anonymous2:19 pm

    Wow. What a decision!
    As painful (or joyful) this may be to various parties, let's recall two unifying things;
    1) politically instigated chaos must never happen again. People must not loose lives each time we have elections.
    2) justice should prevail; for the victims, the accused ocampo 4 and all kenyans.

    God bless Kenya!

  2. I am sorry for the four but justice must take its course

  3. Anonymous4:38 am

    What is the idea here.....Ruto having a private and very intense meeting with 15 men would mean they were planning violence against people of a certain tribe?
    And Uhuru having an intense meeting with a bunch of other kikuyu men would mean he was also planning some kind of violence?
    All the men who had "intense" meetings around that time should have been rounded up!!
    Assumption is the mother of all screw ups.
    I am about to have a departmental meeting (Finance). Maybe I should tape it, lest violence breaks out on the next floor and I get accused of masterminding violence against the budget department.

  4. Okay, totally get your point and have taken that bit out, but you should have been there. - good luck with your 'intense' finance meeting - hope there is not too much emotional fallout...haha

  5. Anonymous11:40 am

    "BTW - It's 85 degrees and sunny every day in Nairobi at the moment ... "

    Really not nessesary, we are suffering with the cold in europe you know!!

  6. I'm sorry, but I had just couldn't resist popping that in! The weather is absolutely glorious at the moment!

  7. Anonymous9:01 pm

    Maybe we can get back to the truly dramatic changes that had started before the PEV. I am old enough to be amazed at the freedoms we experienced. People standing up to corruption, election turnouts, election lines that stretched as far as the eye could see. Some MP's actually being held to account.

  8. Anonymous10:52 am

    Hope Ruto gets his butt absolutely kicked.

  9. Anonymous4:13 pm

    Breaking news!! UHURU KENYATTA, Francis Muthaura step aside. Kenyatta retains Deputy PM post. Njeru Githae to stand in as Finance Minister.

    ... Could the era of impunity be coming to an end??

    PS. also - Baraza suspended!

  10. Anonymous8:38 pm

    Uhuru's facebook status message:
    After lengthy discussions with H.E. The President and after wide consultations, H.E. The President has graciously accepted my request that I step aside from the portfolio of Ministry of Finance in his Government.

    The Ministry of Finance deals with very sensitive issues that affect the lives of millions of Kenyans and therefore requires maximum attention. I am not one to juggle the affairs of such an important portfolio with the baseless mob lynch mentality that is being orchestrated in some quarters.

    I now look forward to meeting you all at the grassroots as I traverse the countryside to reassure you all that our mission to give hope to the youth of this country, our vision of seeing a peaceful Kenya and our firm resolve to transform Kenya into a modern first class economy is still on course.

    As I have already indicated previously, my conscience is clear, my will is strong and my resolve remains undeterred.

    I have no doubt that together we shall succeed. Together we will.

    Keep the faith and God bless you all.

    Uhuru Kenyatta.
    Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya.

  11. Anonymous8:36 am

    there's one thing people do not understand, and if you watched this friday's ntv bull's eye edition, the same people who said in parliament that dont be vague go for hague, thinking that it will take forever for icc-kenyan case to be taken up...btw ruto said on camera that it go to hague cos it'll start in 2090...SERIOUSLY DUDE? Well they knew better and sure they got it. swahili proverb; mtoto akililia wembe, many times did raila beg for a local tribunal in parliament so they can net more suspects than the then supposed 20 in kofi annan's famous envelope? even mzee came n voted for local tribunal..who has ever seen kibaki voting in parliament.. well he knew his hadn was stuck somewhere in the shreds of the case anyway but still! instead of screaming urself out, let them work to exenorate themselves. since i was in grade 7, in 2000, i knew abt mungiki n uhuru, so pls if you've ever ived in kenya dont tell us the bulls..t abt uhuru being sacrificed. they always say in famous quote there's one that got away, in this case its the then minster for internal security john michuki aka the serpent. the only thing that saved his arse is that he wasnt on speaking terms with gen husein ali cos he'd ordered the standard newspaer raid back in 06. so he asked muthaura to call ali n ocampo got the transcript with muthaura's voice etc. damn the serpent got away! btw you havent heard of him since the icc bomb fell more than 18mos ago, before then he was ''the chief chef'' in the p[olitics kictchen of pres mai kibaki. dont worry he's cooling his heels at his swanky wondsor golf n country club!!!!!!!!
    p/s i should have been an investigative reporter, with this expatwife as lifestyle edition editor ama vipi boss?

    peculiar kenyan.
