01 02 03 Africa Expat Wives Club: Breaking news - ICC cases confirmed against 4 suspects 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Breaking news - ICC cases confirmed against 4 suspects

Glued to the TV - don't dare get up for a wee.  You could probably hear a pin drop in Kenya at this moment.

The Hague/court say they are mindful of their decision affecting stability in Kenya and the weight of their onerous decision.  I know that the ICC has their work cut out - not only with having to wade through huge amounts of evidence, but in the local newspapers there have been numerous stories of ICC witnesses (some under witness protection, others in Kenya) either disappearing, turning up dead or suddenly recanting their statements.

So far we know that charges will be confirmed against four of the 6 suspects...ie. that is the court deems there is enough evidence to make these cases admissable.  That they are innocent until proven guilty, of being indirect core perpetrators of Kenya's post election violence.

So far:  William Ruto, Joshua Sang - charges confirmed against them - the case will go to trial.
Henry Kosgey - charges not confirmed - case dismissed.

Uhuru Kenyatta, Francis Muthaura - Charges confirmed.
Hussein Ali, (former chief of police) charges not confirmed.


Kenya's political scene suddenly in free fall!


William Ruto is on the local news at the moment, looking deflated for the first time ever, making a lengthy statement about his faith in justice, appreciation of the support of his wife and belief in God..
The telegraph - click for coverage
BBC news - click for coverage

Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto - presidential aspirants but a case of crimes against humanity to hear at The Hague first
BTW - It's 85 degrees and sunny every day in Nairobi at the moment ...

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