01 02 03 Africa Expat Wives Club: Life just keeps on happening - hurrah! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Life just keeps on happening - hurrah!

You would be forgiven for assuming that I have been suffering from writer’s block but in fact, over the last two weeks, a number of exciting things have happened. Quite a lot merits blog worthy explanation, some doesn't but I'll bore you with it anyway. Well...for now, just to fill you in...

I’ve had my parents staying

Been horribly lost (followed by slightly restless) in Laikipia

Headed off to a deserted beach in Kiwayu without kids (but with my mum)

Been introduced to a world class celebrity (blushed, ran away)

Decided I’m the most terrible person to go on holiday with as I'm always fidgeting about what to do next.

Been taking my daughter to tennis camp, getting emotionally involved when she fails to get her over-arm serves into the box to the point where I find myself telling the coach how to do her job.  (worth noting here that I am and always have been an abysmal tennis player and not sporty at all.  Smack wrists for falling into competitive mum trap!)

Have been weighing up whether to upgrade this website (thanks to a v kind/techie reader who has been helping me). Watch out for a fab new format - more than just a blog....

Writing stuff for other websites and magazines

Talking to an architect about finally modernizing our house.  The tiny, dark 1930s kitchen just has to go.

Entertaining other people’s children and being grateful when they (occasionally) do the same for me

Haircuts and dentist trips (considering having a mid-life crisis over whether to get ridiculously expensive 'incognito' braces myself - sad)

Wondering what the hell to do over the long Easter weekend other than gorge on chocs. 

Receiving inevitable knock backs on my book/memoir proposal.  Oh dear, join the masses expat wife!

Considering taking low paid, full time job and finding myself in a right old twit for 24 hours until I decided against doing it.

Counting down days of school holidays left.  Mediating (in a shouty way) in childrens arguments as they bicker endlessly

Watching media madness take hold in UK over the upcoming Royal wedding (from afar) and wondering if I really should accept a fabulously kitsch invitation from the B High Commission to dress up and watch it all on their big screen.  Will it be a festive riot, or totally cringe worthy? (at the very least, good blog material I guess) - bah humbug!  Hasn't Kate got straight teeth?!  Am watching too much TV!

Where to start?

Well, my guess is that you’d like to know about the celebrity first....

Two words.... Colin....Firth...  Yes, I spotted him in Kenya!

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