01 02 03 Africa Expat Wives Club: Rains starting... 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Rains starting...

AEWC Weather report: rain fell heavily in Naivasha, Nakuru, Gilgil over the weekend (a friend of mine said she was stuck in black cotton soil in Naivasha on Sunday). In Nairobi we had a heavy downpour on Saturday night, followed by a lighter one on Sunday night, though it still feels unseasonably hot and humid here. During mornings and evenings we see gathering clouds.

I heard that there is currently flooding in Kisumu, and a lot of rain falling in Western Kenya. Water levels in Masai Mara are rising a little after their all time low during July and August.

I don't know whether any rain has reached Samburu/Shaba or further north toward Turkana yet?

If anybody knows more - do comment!x

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